"A Swisstastic Journey of Me and My Students"

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Patricia Polacco visits our school

We were so fortunate to be chosen to have the amazing author, storyteller, and illustrator visit our school. She was in our area promoting her new book, Fiona's Lace.  We were chosen by Barnes and Nobles to receive this opportunity at no visit. It was amazing to hear her speak about how her childhood memories have impacted her writing life. I would highly recommend any school to have her...she is amazing. At the end of her presentation she has a piece of the meteteor that landed in her grandparent's farm when she was living there as a young girl. She encourages every child to touch the rock and make a wish. The only rules are as follows: 1.) You can't wish for money 2.) You can't wish to change someone 3.) You can't wish for anything that can be bought with money.  Here are some pics from the day.
After her visit I encouraged my third graders, using Google Docs, to write down their wish. They also learned how to place an image into their doc via the research tool on Google Docs and we talked about citation of the images. Here is some of their work:
A. Christensen
H. Reister

Loved this project and it was great having them up on the wall right before Christmas break was great!  This is what the board looked like.

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