"A Swisstastic Journey of Me and My Students"

Monday, December 5, 2016

The Hour of Code has hit Summit!

Image result for hour of code


     At Summit December means the Hour of Code.  All grades 1-6 will participate in the the Hour of Code.  We are learning about words like ALGORITHM, DECOMPOSE, ABSTRACTION, and PATTERN MATCHING.  We will be using these words to create projects that have coding during the next month.  Today grades 2-3 practiced making algorithms on making a paper airplane.  Next week we will test these out to see how well their algorithm work.  This is our first UNPLUGGED coding activity to get us in the CODING mindset.  

             Here is a pic of students creating their algorithms.  

If you can overlook the silly tongue and notice the problem solving strategy they implemented.  They needed to build the airplane in order to create the steps.  This wasn't part of the directions.  They problem-solved to make their job easier.  One of the many skills they learn from CODING.  Stay tuned to see if the results we effective next week as we fly our planes.