"A Swisstastic Journey of Me and My Students"

Friday, November 10, 2017

Global Read Aloud ....third year!

We just completed our third year for the Global Read Aloud.  Kindergarten and 1st grade enjoyed learning about Mem Fox and listening to her amazing books.  We did a vote for which book they enjoyed the most and out of seven classes Tough Boris was the overwhelming winner.  

                                      OUR FAVORITE!!!
Students loved learning about how the pirate was transformed by the parrot's death.  

This was our choice book for week 6

Image result for hunwick's egg

Maker Friday in the Media Center/Art rooms

Image result for makerspaces
What is Maker Friday...you ask?

With my very demanding schedule this year I was nervous about how I was going to continue to include Makerspaces into my program.  The art room is right beside me so we decided to partner up and offer Makerspaces to students on Wednesdays and Fridays.  These are days that we see some of the students for the second time that week -so we are using that extra time to open up our Makerspaces. Students can go between our rooms and do drawing, sewing, engineering building projects which include Legos, K'nex, wooden blocks, keyboarding, coding, reading, puzzles, etc.  To say students LOVE this time is an understatement.  Whenever they don't get this extra time they are complaining to us about it.  Students need this "play" time to get their creative juices flowing.  Public education has somewhat "pulled" the creativity out of students with all the demands from the state.  Students in all grades need time to explore and discover things that interest them.  That is what our Maker Fridays are all about.  

Student creates her own fidget spinner out of K'nex pieces.  

Students enjoy sewing.

Students working together to create with K'nex pieces.

Students working together to build a Lego design.

More sewing!