I decided to do one blog post about a typical week in the Media Center. Many parents don't understand what their child is learning about when they come to the Summit Media Center. Many adults still tend to think back to the days when they went into the library occassionally to check a book in or out. Well, I wanted to bring you into my world for a brief moment. The Summit Media Center is an ever evolving place that is inspiring your children to jump into things that interest him or her, explore topics he or she is interested in, invent or reinvent new and old items, and yes we still encourage a love of reading and helping inspire students to be lifelong learners. Here are some projects that were created over the last few weeks in the Media Center, formally known as the library. You may even see someone you recognize. If not I encourage you to follow my blog (you can do so on the right side of the blog) as this is the best outlet for me to communicate with you what Summit students are exploring in the Media Center.
Building Blocks (Licoln Logs, or anything of the like)
Jewerly Making Kits
Duct Tape
Take a look at how some of our 6th graders responded on a Interest Survey, which was given to help them reflect on their interests and passions.
The videos that I watched were?
woman learns to dance 15 68.2%
middle schooler creaters own apps 13 59.1%
lion attack warning system 9 40.9%
Caine's Arcade 13 59.1%
saving trees one paper towel at a time 0 0%
one man beat box 4 18.2%
skateboarder 2 9.1%
30 day challenge 2 9.1%
ketchup bottle redesign 4 18.2%
woman learns to dance | 15 | 68.2% |
middle schooler creaters own apps | 13 | 59.1% |
lion attack warning system | 9 | 40.9% |
Caine's Arcade | 13 | 59.1% |
saving trees one paper towel at a time | 0 | 0% |
one man beat box | 4 | 18.2% |
skateboarder | 2 | 9.1% |
30 day challenge | 2 | 9.1% |
ketchup bottle redesign | 4 | 18.2% |
What is something you can make?
I can make good jokes
a giant crown
i can make shoes on paper and logos for businesses
....I can make a drawing..
I can write a book.
A cake
i can make a box
a drawing.
soccer ball
I can make a box.
I can translate books between Farsi,English,and french
a robot
A box
A drawling
alarm for intruders
I can make good jokes
a giant crown
i can make shoes on paper and logos for businesses
....I can make a drawing..
I can write a book.
A cake
i can make a box
a drawing.
soccer ball
I can make a box.
I can translate books between Farsi,English,and french
a robot
A box
A drawling
alarm for intruders
Did you post a reponse on Padlet?
Yes 21 100%
No 0 0%
Yes | 21 | 100% |
No | 0 | 0% |
What is the biggest problem facing America?
people not helping people out
There are too many people in this world, and no one can get along. I know that it doesn't only affect America, but the Earth as a whole.
people not recycling.
terorists pretending to be refugees
People not getting enough food or water or shelter
Syrian reffugees
people not helping people out
There are too many people in this world, and no one can get along. I know that it doesn't only affect America, but the Earth as a whole.
people not recycling.
terorists pretending to be refugees
People not getting enough food or water or shelter
Syrian reffugees
What is the biggest problem facing someone living in Anderson Township?
The Bengals can not win a playoff game.
The roads have cracks and pot holes
drunk drivers
i have no idea.
Running out of chipoltle
the cincinnati bengals cant win a playoff game
Tax increase
I have no idea. I guess it depends on the person.
The Bengals can not win a playoff game.
The roads have cracks and pot holes
drunk drivers
i have no idea.
Running out of chipoltle
the cincinnati bengals cant win a playoff game
Tax increase
I have no idea. I guess it depends on the person.
What is the biggest problem facing kids today?
Bad Schools
second hand smoke
Drugs for kids
stress of schools
Bad Schools
second hand smoke
Drugs for kids
stress of schools

5th graders are also learning about quick research and presentation skills. They were given an image from the Civil Rights Movement of which they had to use prior knowledge and research new knowledge of what was happening in the picture. They collaborated on Google Docs about their research with a partner. Next week they will present their knowledge with no notes, simply with an image and their learned knowledge. This encourages them to think about what they are telling the audience and not simply read a slide to us. This sounds easy but can be extremely challenging. This is an important skill for 21st Century Learners to have. They must be able to successfully present a topic to an audience.
Here are some students discussing their image.
Here are the kids reflecting on the image on a Google Doc after conducting some research.
Here is a video of students presenting their image messages to the audience. They were not permitted to use notes. They simply had to talk about their image. We discussed some keys traits of a great presentation before we started such as:
1.) Eye Contact
2.) Face your audience
3.) Voice tone
4.) Be organized
Click here to see one of our presentations.
4th graders....we are collaborating with Mrs. Cocks on a NUTRITION unit. In the Media Center students are looking at how advertising affects what type of food they choose to eat. They are watching commercials and analyzing the commerical via Google Docs with a partner. They will soon be working with a partner to create a commercial selling either a healthy or unhealthy snack.
3rd graders...they were assigned email partners at Wilson at the start of the year. This week they met their partners either through Skype or through a video. The students loved seeing their partner face-to-face. They are encouraged to continue emailing their partner. This allows them to practice keyboarding skills, good digital citizenship, increasing writing and reading comprehension, as well as learning about how email works.
3rd graders also read books about Friendship including Beekle: The Adventures of an Unimaginary Friend and We Lost Brock. Students then shared a Google Doc with a friend and learned about taking pictures with the Chromebook camera and how to interview their partner. We also discussed having GOOD DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP when using the camera on a computer. Here is a look at what they created.
2nd grade...Students just completed their Words that Describe Better Than OK poems. They started this lesson by reading The OK book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. The proceeded to use Google Docs to type a poem that describes words that are better than OK and creating sentences that describe themselves. Create a setting with watercolors, place your character in the setting, polish finishing touches and they turned out great. Take a look. You can see all of them on display in the hall outside the Media Center.

What's happening in 1st grade? First grade has been learning about nonfiction books. They have developed wondering questions and are locating nonfiction books to help them learn about their wondering topic. Click on the WONDER WALL below to watch the videos below to hear some of their wondering questions.

Click on the image to see a video of our kindergarten friends.
A SPECIAL TREAT FOR OUR 1ST-3RD GRADERS...author Coach Sloath visited and discussed some key issues from his books, such as bullying, perserverance, and hard work. Students acted out parts from his book Hank the Bully. You can find more information out about Coach Sloath at http://coachsloth.com/.Preschool and Kindergarten Friends
In Preschool and Kindergarten Media time we have been learning about friendship and imaginary friends. We have read two books about imaginary friends. They were:
Here are our small friends drawing a collaborative picture of their imaginary friends.
Click on the image to see a video of our kindergarten friends.
Some words that came from teachers about the visit:
Click on the image to see the students interacting with the author.